Texas Outlaw Challenge at Harborwalk

The weather was a pressing concern for this cruise down to the ICW and west to Harborwalk. Alberto had been threatening to spoil the weekend for quite a while. Thankfully, in the last few days before the event Alberto took a brief jog to the south before heading west into the coast of Mexico. This vastly improved the forecast for our trip and it was an excellent weekend. 
I did happen upon one unfortunate soul whom I guessed had strayed off the channel by continuing straight south when the ICW was turning east.

The following hearty souls ventured out for the festivities and frolicking: Last Endeavor/Powell, Keeling Time/Trollip, Largo/Williams, Mystera/ Tailleur and Calypso/Hutchinson the cruise leaders.

We did have a bit of overcast early Saturday, but it turned out to be a glorious day as you see from the photos below of the primary attraction. The secondary attractions? Well, suffice it to say we did see quite a lot of dental floss and several six packs, of  the abdominal variety. 

There had been some concern that the number of challengers may be diminished. The challengers come from all over the United States so their travel plans are much more involved and costly. The threat regarding Alberto did not to more favorable until Thursday so it was, indeed a concern. However, those salty and hearty souls did not disappoint.

PO Box 946
Kemah, TX 77565

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