Another great morning on Buffalo Bayou! This is the fourth year that this cruise has been scheduled, and continues to be a popular one. We use Bayou City Shuttle which rents us the kayaks and equipment, or offers to transport your own personal kayak/canoe.
22 people joined us this year. We had single and double kayaks and two canoes. Bill Crabb brought his handmade wooden canoe which classed up the cruise!
We put in at Woodway and 610. This year they are doing some updates to this area, but we had no problem getting started. This is the perfect time of the year, the weather was great, new leaves were coming out on the trees, and azaleas were blooming throughout River Oaks.
This is a beautiful course going thru Memorial Park, River Oaks and then viewing the downtown skyline. Total course is about 7 ½ miles and took us about 2 ½ hours
The beautification of Buffalo Bayou is extending further up Allen Parkway, and it will be an even more beautiful place to explore by kayak, walking, or biking along the many new pathways and bridges.
Our take out location is right at the Sabine Lofts which is where we parked our cars and the shuttle service picked us up.
Following the calorie-burning morning, we ventured over to the Original Ninfas on Navigation for some well-deserved margaritas. Afterwards, a portion of the group headed to Specs on Smith Street for some free samples, and stocked up for a great boating season that lies ahead.