Texas Mariners Cruising Association
The Largest Boating Club on the Gulf Coast
Established 1979
General meetings feature speakers and programs aimed at enhancing seamanship, boat handling skills and enjoyment of local waters.
The calendar is filled with organized cruises and include a Cruise Leader who is experienced with the destination and knows how to avoid trouble. You simply participate and have fun!
We present occasional courses to help members feel confident and comfortable with their own boating skills. Navigation, piloting, first aid, CPR and the use of the Loran or GPS are just a few examples.
From monthly Dock Parties to Wine & Cheese Cruises, our social calendar alone makes the club worth joining! Check out some of our recent functions at our Photo Gallery.
Monthly newsletter with informative information on cruising adventures, future events, changes in boating laws and other tips.
Each week you'll receive a weekly email with the upcoming activities for the next two weeks, plus any future cruises or parties where sign up is opened.
An annual directory is published to help you remember your new friends as well as their boat's name.
An excellent source of information including our calendar of events, member directory, photos from past cruises and parties, articles and information on cruising in our area and boating in general.
BoatUS offers TMCA a discount on their Unlimited On-the-Water Towing Service package. (Members: click here to view code when logged in here.)
All TMCA members a discount when you show your TMCA badge while making a purchase
Receive a discount on any Mantus Anchor purchase.
When you go cruising, receive some type of reciprocity to over 700 yachting clubs clubs in the U.S. mainland, Alaska and Hawaii.
Seatow offers $30 off their annual membership to TMCA members.